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Not guilty: client acquitted by jury of multiple historical sexual offence allegations

This matter commenced with the client unfortunately being held in custody by police on multiple historical sexual offence allegations. The allegations had surfaced out of the blue from the complainant, a relative of the client, and related to allegations over a decade earlier. We successfully obtained bail for the client in the Magistrates Court on the basis that the allegations were weak, and there were…

‘Fail to provide oral fluid sample’ charge dropped on morning of trial; costs awarded

This matter concerned a client charged with ‘failure to comply with a requirement to provide a sample of oral fluid’. The allegation was that the client, having provided a clear breath analysis sample, failed to comply with a request to provide an ‘oral fluid sample’. That is, a sample which would allow the police to determine if the client was driving after having consumed prohibited…

7 x serious sexual assault charges dropped 3 months before trial

This long running matter involved a client who came to us charged with 7 serious sexual offences. The charges were strictly indictable and the client was facing a long wait to trial and a difficult defence in front of a jury. The allegation occurred in a country town and the charges commenced in a regional Magistrates Court location. We progressed the matter and obtained all…

Suspended sentence imposed in $60,000 stealing as a servant case

The allegations in this matter involved two instances of theft of money from an organisation where the client had previously worked. The client held a trusted position within the organisation and was responsible for various financial transactions, as well as bookkeeping and other significant duties. The client came to us having made significant admissions against interest in a recorded police interview. The client’s primary concern…

Spent conviction granted in District Court aggravated burglary / assault case

This matter involved a client charged with two counts of aggravated burglary, along with other charges including assault, trespass, breaching bail and going armed so as to cause fear. We acted in the matter from its inception in the Magistrates Court. The client had made significant admissions to the offending and there was unlikely to be any real defence at trial. Unfortunately, the police prosecutors…

AOBH and threats to distribute intimate images charges dropped; substantial costs order awarded

This matter involved allegations of assault occasioning bodily harm (AOBH) and a charge of threats to distribute an intimate image. The allegations arose from a domestic dispute involving an acrimonious break-up. We had the matter listed for trial allocation to obtain full disclosure and better understand the case against the client. On review of the evidence it was plain the client had a strong defence…

DPP drops historical sexual offending charges 2 months before trial

This case involved acting for a client in a long-running historical sexual offence case. The case was progressed towards a jury trial in the District Court. There were clear issues with the State’s case, including an incredibly delayed complaint and other credibility issues with the complainant. We engaged in extensive preparations including issuing various court summons to obtain important evidence that contradicted the complainant’s account….

Not guilty: client acquitted of serious sexual offence after 18 minutes of jury deliberations

This case involved spurious claims of alleged sexual offending committed by our client. There were no eye-witnesses, no forensics, and a significantly delayed complaint. The matter took several years to get to trial in the District Court. We engaged in extensive preparation, including obtaining relevant documents by subpoena and locating and proofing a critical defence witness. As a result of our we preparation were able…

Not guilty x 6: client acquitted of serious sexual offences after only 17 minutes of jury deliberations

This long-running case involved the firm acting for a client charged with 6 charges of serious sexual offences. The matter took a considerable period to get to trial, a period of almost two years. When the trial finally arrived we had engaged in extensive preparations, including interviewing multiple defence witnesses, issuing multiple subpoenas and thoroughly preparing the accused and our final choice of defence witness…

FVRO applicant abandons case mid-trial; FVRO dismissed

This matter involved a client who was the respondent to a family violence restraining order (‘FVRO’) which had been issued on an interim basis. The client strongly denied the allegations made by the applicant at the ex parte hearing. The matter was listed for a final order hearing. Prior to trial, we engaged in extensive preparations. This included taking detailed statements from a number of…

Stealing charge dropped; spent convictions imposed for burglary & move-on order offences

The police had charged our client with offences of breach move-on order, burglary and stealing. The offences concerned two separate incidents about a month apart, and the client had no criminal record. The client’s goal was either a full acquittal or failing that, a spent conviction order, to enable the client to continue with their chosen career without the impediment of a conviction. We advised…

Second spent conviction imposed in weapons offence case

This case involved a client charged with a Weapons Act offence, relating to police locating a set of knuckle dusters with a knife attached in the client’s car. There was another person in the car, as well as other items in the rear belonging to other persons. The client had a previous spent conviction for an unrelated offence. We originally prepared the matter for trial on…

Second spent conviction granted for client with prior spent conviction

In long-running litigation that was recently brought to an end, we acted for a client charged originally with an offence of assault public officer. Whilst on bail, police laid a string of further charges against the client, who had a prior spent conviction for similar offending. We reviewed the evidence for the serious assault public officer charge and it was apparent that the prosecution would…

Impede breathing charge discontinued; spent conviction imposed for remaining charge

This case involved a client originally charged with two offences. The first, impede another person’s normal breathing, also known as ‘strangulation’. The second, aggravated common assault. The offences arose from an incident involving the client and two other males in the surf at a popular Perth surfing location. The allegation was that the client, after being ‘dropped in’ on by the complainant’s son, then put…

Suspended sentence imposed in aggravated armed robbery case

This matter involved a client charged with a serious offence of aggravated armed robbery. The allegation was that the client robbed a service station whilst armed with a replica firearm. On receiving the materials from the client, it was clear that the offence, whilst serious, was towards the lower end of the scale. A review of the CCTV material revealed that the client had no…

Book a Consultation

We offer a no obligation, free 30 minute consultation if you are charged with a criminal offence. During the consultation we will provide you with comprehensive legal advice for the charge(s) you are facing. Contact us now to ensure you get the best possible advice from the outset of your case.

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